Multimedia Reflection

As my spring course of Education Technology comes to a close, I write my final reflection. For my reflection, I have created a short Prezi slideshow which outlines my growth and contributions in my Personal Learning Network (which would be my Twitter account: misskloi)

Click Here for my Prezi Slideshow!

Copyright Reflection

For my last reflection (I believe), I have been asked to define some words as well as some citation examples for students.  The age group I chose is for elementary students

Here is a screenshot of my Glogster poster for some copyright terminology



Here is a screenshot of my Glogster poster for citation examples


Digital Citizenship Reflection

For my reflection this week, I have been asked to respond to the following questions:

1. How should teachers promote and model digital citizenship responsibly?
2. Describe how you will incorporate digital citizenship into your regular classroom instruction and activities.

I believe that teachers should promote digital citizenship by allowing students to see the consequences of poor digital citizenship. Although teachers may demonstrate, students may not always see how it can apply to them. In addition, by thoroughly explaining what comprises of being a good digital citizen, students can understand what to be aware of when they are online.

In order to incorporate digital citizenship, I give each student a scenario that could occur online. Each situation will either display good or bad digital citizenship. Afterwards, students would have to create a short presentation using any sort of presentation program (such as Glogster, GoAnimate, Tackk, etc.) showing why their scenario displays good/bad digital citizenship as well as their own methods/ideas of how to be a good digital citizen. Once students have a grasp of what good digital citizenship entails, I will have students participate in online discussions as well as writing any encounters with poor digital citizens online and their solution as to how to handle it.

Technology Privacy

We are almost at the end of the spring course. I have been introduced to yet another handy tool for classroom use which is an online poster-making website called Glogster. The poster which I have made contains strategies and methods for elementary students to protect their information as well as increase their online privacy.

Click here to view my Glogster!

Cyberbullying Part 2

Here is my Symbaloo webmix with a few resources that can be used to aid in dealing with cyberbullying.

Click here for my Symbaloo!

One of the strategies that I would use would be students learning to protect their information. By creating awareness that sharing information is dangerous and unsafe, students will understand the importance of creating strong passwords and not sharing their information with others, especially over the internet. 

My second strategy would be for students to create a video in which they come up with strategies as to how to help others who are dealing with cyberbullying as well as what to do if they themselves are experiencing it. Whether the students decide to film themselves or use the GoAnimate program, the students will be able to come up with their own ideas and share it with others. By watching some of the videos that I have posted in my Symbaloo, students will be able to get an idea of how to go about making the video.

mLearning Reflection

For my reflection, I was asked to review a lesson plan and write down where I could incorporate mLearning. In addition, I must write down 3 things that needed to be considered if I were to use mLearning.

Click Here for the lesson plan!

From the lesson plan, Google Docs would be a perfect way for the entire class to contribute on a book together for the “collaborative writing” component. Not only will each student know who contributed what, but it is easily accessible to everyone at once. I believe that if everyone is able to view the document together, rather than passing it along one by one, students will be more interested. Some things that would need to be considered are:

  1. Do all the students have a form of technology that will allow them to access this document?
  2. How can I organize this collaboration in a way that will be active for students waiting to write
  3. Do students have a Google account? Although sign-in is not required to access Google Docs, the student will be anonymous if they do not sign-in which will make it difficult to keep track of who is writing.